Get Declass

Follow our step-by-step guide on how to install Declass onto your site with one line of code.

# Step 1: Include the required tags

Before you add Declass to your site, it's highly recommended to add this tag before your HTML page to render elements consistently on less advanced browsers:

<!DOCTYPE html>

and this <meta> tag so that your site works on mobile and turns it into a truly responsive one:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

# Step 2: Get the code

There are two ways to include our script. The first way is to include our stylesheet between the <head> tags of your page by pasting the following line of code:


The second way is to download our code, upload it to the root section of your page, and include it in the same format above. Don't worry, our code is open-source, so you can modify and share it any way you want.


Choosing the second method (Download) will not automatically update your script for new versions and bug fixes.

# Step 3: Read the docs

To understand how to use Declass on your site, read the Documentation. It has simple information about the features Declass has and can help you make even more stylish sites, so don't forget to read the docs!